
By Henry Suryawirawan

Great technical leadership requires more than just great coding skills. It requires a variety of other skills that are not well-defined, and they are not something that we can fully learn in any school or book. Hear from experienced technical leaders sharing their journey and philosophy for building great technical teams and achieving technical excellence. Find out what makes them great and how to apply those lessons to your work and team.

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#119 - Becoming a Professional Agile Leader - Ron Eringa

Ron Eringa is a leadership developer and the co-author of “The Professional Agile Leader”. In this episode, Ron shared how one can become a professional agile leader and build a self-organizing and high-performing organizations.

#118 - Lead Without Blame: Building Resilient Learning Teams - Diana Larsen

Diana Larsen is the co-founder of Agile Fluency Project and co-author of the latest book “Lead Without Blame”. In this episode, we discussed insights from her book about building resilient learning teams to move away from blaming culture by adopting the 3 essential motivators and 4 resilience factors.

#117 - How to Establish SRE Foundations From Scratch - Vladyslav Ukis

Dr. Vladyslav Ukis is the Head of R&D at Siemens Healthineers and author of “Establishing SRE Foundations”. In this episode, Dr. Vlad shared insights on how to establish SRE foundations from scratch based on his firsthand experience at Siemens Healthineers and the concepts described in his book.

#116 - Human Powered Teams With Emotional Intelligence - Trenton Moss

Trenton Moss is the founder of Team Sterka and the author of “Human Powered”. In this episode, Trenton shared the importance of having good emotional intelligence and people skills in digital product teams, including the 6 key skills we need to succeed.

#115 - Senior Engineering Leadership & Scaling Engineering Teams - Manoj Awasthi

Manoj Awasthi is the CTO at JULO and previously the SVP of Engineering at Tokopedia. In this episode, Manoj shared his engineering leadership lessons, that include describing the role of a senior engineering leader, scaling up engineering team, and maintaining engineering productivity.

#114 - A Radical Enterprise & Radical Collaboration - Matt K. Parker

Matt K. Parker is the author of “A Radical Enterprise”. In this episode, Matt explained in-depth the four key imperatives that organizations must practice for establishing radical collaboration, i.e. team autonomy, managerial devolution, deficiency gratification, and candid vulnerability.

#113 - Architecture Decision Record (ADR) - Michael Keeling

Michael Keeling is an experienced software engineer, architect, and the author of “Design It!”. In this episode, Michael shared in-depth about ADR for recording architecture decisions, including its benefits, practical tips, patterns, and anti-patterns in practising ADR.

#112 - Developer Productivity and Experience - Abi Noda

Abi Noda is the CEO & co-founder of DX. In this episode, Abi shared what developer experience is, why it is becoming an industry trend nowadays, and explained how DX is building on top of DORA and SPACE to measure and improve developer experience and productivity.

#111 - Teach the Geek to Speak: Public Speaking for Technical Professionals - Neil Thompson

Neil Thompson is the founder of Teach the Geek and a public speaking coach. In this episode, Neil explained the importance of public speaking for technical professionals and shared public speaking tips and how to overcome common challenges.

#110 - Elastic Leadership: Growing Self-Organizing Teams - Roy Osherove

Roy Osherove is the author of “Elastic Leadership”. In this episode, Roy described what elastic leadership is and explained how leaders can adapt and transition their leadership style based on the 3 team phases (survival mode, learning mode, and self-organizing mode).