
By Henry Suryawirawan

Great technical leadership requires more than just great coding skills. It requires a variety of other skills that are not well-defined, and they are not something that we can fully learn in any school or book. Hear from experienced technical leaders sharing their journey and philosophy for building great technical teams and achieving technical excellence. Find out what makes them great and how to apply those lessons to your work and team.

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#24 - Best Practices for Your Developer Onboarding Process - Tanaka Mutakwa

Tanaka Mutakwa is the VP of Engineering at Names & Faces and founder of the Tech Leadership community in South Africa. In this episode, Tanaka shared with me his best practices for onboarding new technical hires and developers into the team, tech landscape in Africa, and his “NoDaysOff” lifestyle movement.

#23 - Earn People & Leadership Lessons From Hyperscaling Gojek - Ajey Gore

Ajey Gore is an Operating Partner at Sequoia Capital India who was previously the Group CTO of Gojek. In this episode, Ajey shared his deep beliefs and motto of “earn people, not money” in various aspects of his career and life, leadership lessons, and his remarkable journey hyperscaling Gojek engineering team.

#22 - How to Facilitate Great Retrospectives - Aino Vonge Corry

Aino Vonge Corry is the author of ”Retrospectives Antipatterns” that describes the antipatterns and mistakes she has made from facilitating retrospectives for the past 15 years. In this episode, we had a deep discussion about retrospectives and how to facilitate a great retrospective.

#21 - Domain-Driven Design and Event-Driven Architecture - Vaughn Vernon

Vaughn Vernon is a leading expert in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). In this episode, we discussed many things about Domain-Driven Design and Event-Driven Architecture (EDA). Vaughn also gave a sneak peek about his new book “Strategic Monoliths and Microservices“ and why he wrote it.

#20 - Building Products People Love—Lessons from Decades at Apple and Adobe - Arno Gourdol

Arno is an inspiring tech leader with decades of experience in two major creative companies—Apple and Adobe. In this episode, I’m honored to have him sharing his career journey, passion, and his invaluable wisdom on how to build products that people love and what to focus on in order to create successful products.

#19 - Scaling Collaboration Across the Globe - Ranganathan Balashanmugam

Ranga is the co-founder and CTO of EverestEngineering, who is passionate about distributed teams. In this episode, we discussed how to lead and scale distributed team—the strategies and insights around hiring and onboarding, leading and growing a team from different cultures, and the qualities of an excellent leader.

#18 - Succeeding in Tech & Cloud Latest - Kelsey Hightower

Kelsey Hightower is one of the leading figures in open source, cloud computing, and Kubernetes. In this episode, he shared with me his insights around many things in tech (cloud, serverless, Kubernetes, and microservices). He also shared with me his inspiring career journey and personal growth mindset and methodologies.

#17 - Remote Work & Asynchronous Communication at Doist - Gonçalo Silva

Gonçalo is the CTO of Doist, creators of Todoist and Twist. In this episode, I learned a lot from Gonçalo about Doist and its remote working history and culture, including some advantages and disadvantages of remote work, the importance of asynchronous communication vs synchronous, and Doist core values.

#16 - Responsible AI and Building Trust in AI - Liu Feng-Yuan

Feng-Yuan is the co-founder and CEO of BasisAI, a Singapore-headquartered augmented intelligence software company that helps data-driven enterprises deploy AI responsibly. In this episode, I talked to Feng-Yuan about responsible AI and how to build trust in artificial intelligence.

#15 - Tech Resumes & Learnings From Uber Engineering Manager - Gergely Orosz

Gergely was last an engineering manager at Uber. He is the author of “The Tech Resume Inside Out” book and “The Pragmatic Engineer” blog. In this episode, he shared about his illustrious career journey, the importance of a tech resume, some of his popular blog posts, and his firsthand experience working at Uber.