
By Henry Suryawirawan

Great technical leadership requires more than just great coding skills. It requires a variety of other skills that are not well-defined, and they are not something that we can fully learn in any school or book. Hear from experienced technical leaders sharing their journey and philosophy for building great technical teams and achieving technical excellence. Find out what makes them great and how to apply those lessons to your work and team.

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#44 - Team Topologies - Manuel Pais

Manuel Pais is the co-author of “Team Topologies” and a DevOps thought leader. In this episode, Manuel shared insights from his book on organization constraints, the 4 team topologies, 3 interaction modes, and advice on how to start implementing these ideas within our organizations.

#43 - The SPACE of Developer Productivity and New Future of Work - Dr. Jenna Butler

Dr. Jenna Butler is a Visiting Research Fellow at Microsoft Research in the Productivity and Intelligence Team. In this episode, Dr. Jenna shared about the SPACE of developer productivity framework and the new future of work post COVID-19.

#42 - Chaos Engineering - Mikołaj Pawlikowski

Mikołaj Pawlikowski is an engineering lead at Bloomberg and the author of “Chaos Engineering: Site reliability through controlled disruption“. In this episode, Miko shared some insights about chaos engineering, including how to implement it properly along with the common misconceptions surrounding it.

#41 - Building a Cybersecurity Career & Pandemic Security Gaps - Tony Jarvis

Tony Jarvis is a CISO advisor and cybersecurity strategist who has advised Fortune 500 clients across the world. In this episode, Tony shared his experience in the evolving world of cybersecurity, his insight on cybersecurity gaps during the pandemic, as well as tips and wisdom for those interested in cybersecurity.

#40 - Data-Driven DevOps With Launchable - Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke Kawaguchi is the creator of Jenkins and co-founder of Launchable. In this episode, Kohsuke shared about data-driven DevOps, developers productivity, the future of software testing, why he created Launchable to help us move closer to achieve those, and his story how he created Jenkins.

#39 - Relearning ABCDEFG & Enabling Technology for Social Impact - Jim Lim

Jim Lim is the founder of the socio-techno network 59stVentures, the healthcare sector lead for NCS, and previously the CEO of Good Doctor Technology. In this episode, we had a fun conversation to redefine ABCDEFG, a shorthand for a set of modern immersive technologies that are rapidly affecting our daily life.

#38 - The Tech Executive Operating System - Aviv Ben-Yosef

Aviv Ben-Yosef is an advisor and consultant for tech executives to help them create world-class engineering teams. In this episode, Aviv shared with me in-depth about “The Tech Executive Operating System“, his latest book for tech leaders to maximize their leverage and make great impact in an organization.

#37 - Lean Inception & Fun Retrospectives - Paulo Caroli

Paulo Caroli is a Principal consultant at Thoughtworks and the author of Lean Inception and FunRetrospectives. In this episode, Paulo shared in-depth with me about Lean Inception, the importance of shifting our mindset from project to product, and also how to conduct effective retrospectives with FunRetrospectives.

#36 - Building High-Performing Teams with Observability and CI/CD - Charity Majors

Charity Majors is the co-founder and CTO of Honeycomb. In this episode, we discussed about building high-performing teams by having observability and CI/CD as the critical pillars to support it, the 5th key metric, and the engineer/manager pendulum.

#35 - AirAsia Super App Transformation and Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic - Pablo Sanz

Pablo Sanz is the CTO of AirAsia. In this episode, Pablo shared the tough challenges that AirAsia went through during the COVID-19 pandemic, how it pivoted and transformed from being a traditional airline company into becoming an ASEAN super app.