#183 - Mastering Team Leadership by Embracing Conflicts and Building Resilience - Hari Haralambiev 15-Jul
#182 - Building a Quality-Driven Culture: Enhancing Quality Practices Using QPAM - Janet Gregory & Selena Delesie 08-Jul
#181 - Engineer Your Career and Your Life: Timeless Career Advice and the Power of Small Bets - Louie Bacaj 01-Jul
#180 - Becoming a Distinguished Engineer, Public Speaking, and Early Retirement - Kelsey Hightower 24-Jun
#178 - Leveling Up Through Coding Challenges, Real-World Projects, and Personal Brand - John Crickett 10-Jun
#177 - Simple Object-Oriented Design: Principles for Writing Clean & Maintainable Software - Mauricio Aniche 03-Jun
#173 - Flow Engineering: Collaborative Mapping for Effective Action at Scale - Steve Pereira & Andrew Davis 06-May
#172 - The Quality Mindset with Holistic and Risk-Based Testing Strategies - Mark Winteringham 29-Apr
#169 - User Experience Design: The Key to Creating a Sustainable Business Moat - Satyam Kantamneni 01-Apr